Monday, November 26, 2007



I loved learning about the latest web technologies for personal and professional reasons. I learned a lot about podcasts, wikis and social networking sites. In addition to all the new websites and information I realize I have access to, I also have several ways to organize the info in a more efficient way. I am very interested in listening to and sometimes responding to various topics of interest on blogs and wikis.

As a professional librarian (public and medical librarian) I want to share the web tools, websites and information I am gathering with my library customers. And imagine it's all free info! I can even share the fun sites such as how to create avatars and the online image generators.

The only problem I found with Library 2.0 was the amount of time we had to complete 23 things. Other than that I am so happy that Howard County Library participated in Library 2.0 and 23 is well worth spending the time. I hope we can do more of this in the future so we can all keep up with the ever changing world of technology.



I searched Project Gutenberg and I chose to save the ebook Pudd'n Head Wilson by Mark Twain to my computer desktop. I can read it at my leisure. The url for the ebook is

Project Gutenberg offers so many classics, so rich in books that go back decades and more current ones, as well as fiction and non fiction. It is my favorite site for ebooks and audio books. I know I'll be frequenting this site a lot.



I found several podcasts on that would be helpful to library settings and to library staff and to library customers. I found PALINET Podcast :Technology. It is a podcast that talks about how MidAtlantic libraries are shaping the future. TeleRead is another podcast that discusses new and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics which library staff and customers might want to view.

Then I found some two other podcasts on
one is called Every Day Cooking, a podcast on how to cook also offers recipes and a second one on how to on computers and the internet and on podcasting called Real Time Minute.

Wow...I found so many podcasts I want to watch I would not have time to sleep!!!!



I liked viewing the Democratic and Republican political debates on You Tube...sometimes I was not at home when they are on tv. Also, there are so many historical videos on You Tube. In addition to the debates there's also Congressional hearings. Students can use You Tube to compare tv commercials from the 1970's to the tv ads of 2007. Television newscasts can be used to watch important daily news events for school projects or for personal reasons.

I do not like the rapper or violent videos.

As a librarian I can direct a student to some of these historical videos and You Tube so much more as a learning tool in other categories.



I chose Yelp which offers reviews of various categories (Shopping, Restaurants, etc.) for various majorAmerican cities from Atlanta to Washington D.C. I checked out the Baltimore, MD reviews. I personally would be selective about the categories in which I would just take the review at face value. For restaurants and shopping I probably would take the advice and go to the restaurant or shopping (Book Thing) after reading the review if I liked the description. However, for more critical topics such as health professionals and professional home services I'd check them out with follow up questions or asking other people for their advice.

I could see using this site for newcomers to Columbia or the Baltimore area who want to find the "best" in categories. Even residents of the Baltimore Washington area might use this site. Anyone travelling to another city could use Yelp also. I would offer this site with the caveat of being careful with some categories than others. It all depends on your trust level if you do not know the person reviewing the category and for me it depends on the category.

It is an interactive can search for reviews, write reviews, and invite friends to chat about reviews.



I chose Google Docs to create a document. I felt very comfortable with the Google Docs because it reminds so much of Google toolbar with very similar features. I can create, edit and upload quickly my documents, spreadsheets,and presentations online. I can access and edit from any computer...all I need is a web browser. Google docs also allows me to make changes together in real time.



I created a login account at Maryland Libraries Sandbox. Then I successfully added my blog to the Favorite Blogs page. However, this page is not user friendly so it took awhile to figure out how to add my blog.



Wikis offer users a lot of benefits, the major one being that a group of people can contribute to develop a website together and they do not need to know HTML or other languages. The main downside to a wiki is information accuracy because any user can add or delete pages. Therefore, if content control is a big issue, a wiki may not be the proper tool to use.

The most famous and largest wiki is Wikipedia. Other projects I researched are wikiuniversity, wikinews, wiktionary, and wikiquotes.

Libraries use wikis to collaborate, share knowledge, and create online communities. Some applications include: pathfinders, subjects guide wikis, catalog annotations, book review wikis, library outreach, ALA conference wikis. Some other uses internally are: meetings, conference planning, collaborative editing of documents, intranets, collective knowledge of the library community, a place to share success stories, advice, and useful materials, librarians sharing library instruction, and library best practices.

I searched through many of the library wikis and my favorite one and most interesting was the Portland Community College Library using Macromedia Flash (Camtasia Studio 2) (audiovisually) to teach users how to search the Oregon Guide.

Sunday, November 25, 2007



I read all of the perspectives.

I agreed with much of Michael Stephens' perspective about sharpening specific skills of the librarian 2.0. These skills include: library planning and proposals being based on library user needs and wants; embracing web 2.0 tools; controlling technolust ("technoworship" does not exist here), buying technology only if it meets the users' needs in a new/improved way; making good yet fast decisions; seeking out and reading information/news about technology/business that might impact future library services; and finally, understanding that the future of libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content, therefore it is very important that librarians get feedback from other library staff and library users when planning and learns from past successes and failures.

My own thoughts on Library 2.0 are that libraries and their librarians need to keep up with the latest web technology and accessory technology. We need to keep our library environment relevant; if we cannot offer the library user of all ages what they need (and want)(hopefully it's affordable), we could become obsolete. It is essential we can show the library is valuable to the user in these changing times, constantly changing with new technologies.

I see three major ways the library can remain relevant and keep attracting customers:
(1) Meet the basic needs of customers (students, elderly, and others who may not own or cannot afford computers, internet cable service or the software they need.
(2) Librarians/library staff gather information about technology and business trends that can impact library users/local community/our culture. They also need to get feedback from staff and library users about users' needs and wants and what's working and not working well.
(3) Librarians need to inform and educate the public about web tools they can use from a practical standpoint, learning stance as well as having fun on the internet. This builds good and fun relationships with the customer and will ultimately bring the customer back to our library over another library or institution/environment. This also means the librarian needs to stay informed and trained, hopefully, supported by the librarian administration. I believe training the library staff (just as Howard County has done with Library 2.0) is essential and is an excellent investment; without it the librarians and the library can be perceived by the public as unhelpful, uncaring, and unknowledgeable.



The Technorati website lets users search for blogs in a countless number of categories. I think it is soooo cool that users can also sign up with Technorati and even claim their own blogs! Users can also keep track of their favorite websites (by subject) using a watchlist! And it's all FREE!!!!!

When I did a keyword search for "learning 2.0" in the blog posts, tags, and directory, I noticed the results seemed to be connected; the posts seemed to be written by users who have signed up with Technorati and seemed to have claimed their blogs.

I noticed two types of categories when I explored the top favorite blogs, top searches, and top blogs: favorite celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and and second category: practical topics for users such as lifehacker (tips and downloads for getting things done). I enjoyed reading lifehacker and (helpful tips for technology).


THING #13 is a social bookmarking website that allows users to store and share bookmarks on the web vs. in their browser which lets the user get to the bookmarks from ANY computer.

Tags allow computer users (in an informal way) to assign keywords to webpages and images, etc.

I love learning about helpful sites an Delicious lets me do this via networking with others who have identified sites new to me. I can see how Delicious can help me personally and as a professional librarian helping customers at work. Imagine I have access to an endless number of useful websites I can access at any computer!

I liked reading the library blogs (NEAT STUFF) via Delicious, my favorite was "Why librarians are not obsolete." I'll be using my Delicious account mostly for tracking my research, wishlist, and favorite recipes.


Thing #12

I created my own search roll on a popular topic at the library: gluten-free recipes as well as a topic of personal interest. Rollyo offers so many examples of search rolls other people have created. First I created a link to Rollyo and then I attempted to create a searchbox tool for my blog...I don't think it's working yet.

With Rollyo I can identify, organize, and keep track of unlimited sites categorically I might offer to library customers. VERY HANDY!!!!!!!

Check out this personal search engine I just rolled at Rollyo:

Powered by Rollyo



Library thing is perfect for any book lover who wants to organize and even catalog their books, they can add tags, and can share their book list preferences with others.

I am using Library thing to keep track of books I want to read and to get ideas about books they have enjoyed reading.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Thing #10

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

I had so much fun creating my meez...there were so many choices and they take you through it step by step. Imagine you can become your wildest dreams while playing with meez!


Thing #9

Merlin offers loads of information including the latest technology, forums, discussion groups, blogs, and learning links (social networking, gaming, and virtual worlds).

Technorati is a website that finds blogs about any topic.

I can spend hours and hours learning about so many things I'm interested in...I've gotta watch it or I might not do anything else the entire day!



I signed up for a bloglines account so I could go to one site to keep up with all my favorite blogs and favorite websites such as news, email groups, and websites.

What a convenience and timesaver!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007



My favorite technology were the Flickr montager and the Flickr slideshows. The Flickr montager allows you to search for the kinds of pictures you want in the montager so I chose cat faces. It allows you to print the entire montager or individual pictures; print it, email it, and manipulate it in other ways.

I found a neat Washington DC slide show on I could view individual pix or the entire slide show at various speeds.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


I loved this picture of Max...he looks so is so calming to look at him...he knows how to take care of himself...taking a cat nap. I found him on Flickr.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Starting my blog

I created my blog and I am ready to start my postings.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lifelong Learning 7 1/2 Habits



I am all about learning...lifelong learning! That's what life is all about for me...otherwise how boring it would be.

The hardest thing for me in learning is sometimes getting frustrated if technology is not working for me or if I've chosen a manual that's boring me so I don't understand the info.

The easiest thing is setting goals for my learning and identifying and gathering my resources.